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In 2020, RFA Mortgage Corporation launched its #Deals4Change program as an innovative way for the lender and their broker partners to give back to the community at large.

Each quarter, RFA runs a #Deals4Change campaign and donates a portion of every application submitted to a charity near and dear to their hearts. In just two years, RFA has raised over $450,000 for Alzheimer Society, Because I Am A Girl, the BeauYOUtiful Foundation, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals.


“Our vision for RFA is larger than scaling operations and growing market share,” says Marina Bournas, President & CEO. “Part of running a successful company is making a positive impact on the communities you serve outside of the scope of your business.”

Part of running a successful company is making a positive impact on the communities you serve outside of the scope of your business.

Marina BournasPresident & CEO

The lender has also partnered with both CEE and the BeaYOUtiful Foundation to extend their efforts beyond the dollar. CEE’s mission is to create a society and economy in which Black youth achieve financial prosperity and a high quality of life while contributing to the advancement of Canada. RFA is in the initial stages of creating a career development program with CEE focused on financial services and mortgages. “It’s the first of its kind in our industry, and it has the potential to help youth while also developing up-and-coming talent,” says Bournas.


“I am also personally teaming up with the BeaYOUtiful Foundation to lead free confidence workshops for young girls ages 9 to 12,” says Bournas. “I have a 9-year-old daughter, and I know just how vulnerable and formative these years of their lives can be. I want to encourage them to be our future leaders.” The last Inspired By HER workshop took place on May 28th in Toronto. Please visit to learn more and stay up-to-date on future events for your daughter.

Our 30 in 30 campaigns encourage brokerages to submit a minimum of 30 applications in 30 days to raise $10,000 for a charity of their choice.

Cheryl BuhsVP, National Sales

At the end of last year, RFA expanded its #Deals4Change program to run smaller 30 in 30 challenges for select brokerages. “Our 30 in 30 campaigns encourage brokerages to submit a minimum of 30 applications in 30 days to raise $10,000 for a charity of their choice,” says Cheryl Buhs, VP, National Sales. “These challenges are a great way for our broker partners to get involved in their local communities while conducting their day-to-day business.” The lender has seen success with Axiom Mortgage Solutions, Mortgage Connection, and Tango Financial so far, and they are always looking for new brokerages to take on their challenge.


Visit to learn more or to find out how you can become a registered broker with RFA.

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