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Brokers Who Care – $260,000 and counting !

Brokers Who Care was launched in late 2015, initially bringing together Sabeena Bubber and Jackson Middleton on a united front. The vision for  Brokers Who Care came about when Sabeena started a GoFundMe page to help her friend, Wendy Melvin, a single, self-employed mother, who suffered the tragic loss of her only child, Maddy.

Six-year-old Maddy was involved in a fatal accident off Gambier Island, BC, turning Wendy’s life upside down. Not only did she suffer the incomprehensible loss of her only child, but she also faced the financial burden of piecing her life back together. Wendy’s only income was generated from her business and child support, but she had been unable to work since Maddy’s death. From there, Canada’s mortgage broker community rallied together in support of this worthy cause through the GoFundMe page, donating more than $7,000 in just eight days!

Following this incredible outpouring of support for someone that many people did not know, Sabeena knew the incredible impact the mortgage industry could have for those in need. Sabeena knew for certain the mortgage industry could make a real difference. Through her mission to organize and streamline assistance to those in need, BWC was formed and united to support important causes. Membership is open to any mortgage broker across Canada. Each member donates $400 a year ($100 each quarter) to support a worthy cause nominated and decided by the membership.

Each quarter, nominations are received from our members and reviewed by our board. Three worthy causes in each region are put forward, membership votes, and we send financial support to a recipient in Eastern and Western Canada. 

Brokers Who Care is unique in that it’s not tied to one brokerage or one particular franchise. We as a collective represent Mortgage Brokers, Lenders and Service providers across Canada. WE are doing this to shed a positive light on the Mortgage Industry as we are Broker Who Care.

Sabeena BubberBrokers Who Care Founder

Each Quarter, nominations are received from our members and reviewed by our Board.  Three worthy causes in each region are put forward, the membership votes and we then send financial support to a recipient in Eastern and Western Canada.

In the beginning, we struggled to get to 100 Brokers Nationally which was our original goal.  We had no advertising budget as every dollar received is given out to recipient families.   Brokers Who Care decided to create a Board of Directors nationally in order to get the word out in different regions across the country.  By the time we hit our second year we finally hit 100 Brokers Nationally and then continued with a push to grow.

As we grew our membership, we were able to increase how much we gave to families.  Our Cap per family is $10,000 so when we have broker membership over 100, we were able to give more to additional families.   In 2021, we hit our goal of splitting the group into two regions of Eastern and Western Canada.   The benefit is that nominations received in the East are then voted on by Eastern Brokers and the funds remain in Eastern Canada.  The same applies to Western Canada.  In 2022 we hit our goal of 100 Brokers in each Region.

Since inception we have financially supported 37 different causes and donated over $260,000 to families and charities.

In late 2021, we rebranded from 100 Brokers Who Care to Brokers Who Care.  We did this so that there is No Cap on the membership numbers.  The more members we have, the more families we can help.

The feedback we receive on every single nomination and voting period is that it is so hard to pick just one cause to receive the funds as many of the nominees are all deserving of receiving funds from our organization.

Brokers Who Care is unique in that it’s not tied to one brokerage or one particular franchise.  We as a collective represent Mortgage Brokers, Lenders and Service providers across Canada.

WE are doing this to shed a positive light on the Mortgage Industry as we are Broker Who Care.  Our intention is to make a positive difference in the lives of others.   We encourage broker members to share the work that they are doing through Brokers Who Care with their clients and referral sources.

BWC has not only helped families that are clients of brokers but also members of their community.  BWC has also helped families in our own Mortgage Industry Family.  We are completely member driven and for a cause to be considered, a member of Brokers Who Care must make the nomination.  This gives members an easy way to become involved in supporting their local community.